
保险 Plans Accepted

Do You Accept My 保险?

犹他大学健康中心与大多数主要的健康保险公司和移植网络签订了合同. 请致电您的保险公司,询问您是否可以在犹他大学健康中心获得医疗保健服务, and what (if any) co-payments, 共同保险, and deductibles will be your responsibility.

这份清单涵盖了犹他大学健康中心今年接受的保险计划. 它不是包罗万象的,定期更新,可能会有所变化. 此列表不保证与任何付款人的网络参与.

uu of U Health与以下计划签约并联网:


如果你有安泰标准网络,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.


U of U Health is in-network for all facilities and physicians. This includes specialty and primary care services.

Blue Cross Blue Shield

如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.

Blue Cross Blue Shield (out of state)

只要该计划使用蓝卡网络,U of U的医疗机构和医生都在州外蓝十字蓝盾计划的网络内. 你通常可以 identify BlueCard eligibility by looking at your insurance ID card and locating a suitcase logo.

如果你看到一个空白的手提箱或里面有PPO的手提箱,并且计划不是通过ACA/保险市场, U of U Health is in-network for all facilities and physicians. This includes specialty and primary care services.

如果你看不到行李箱标志,或者你是通过ACA/保险市场获得保险的, U of U Health facilities and physicians are NOT in-network. 在安排您的访问之前,请与您的福利部门或致电800-810-BLUE(2583)核实您的计划是否涵盖U of U Health的服务.


如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.

信诺ACA/保险市场计划不与U of U健康机构和医生联网. 请与您的福利部门联系或拨打您的保险卡背面的客户服务电话,以找到网络内的供应商.

Deseret Mutual Benefit Administration (DMBA)

如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.


如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.

  • 健康的选择 UT Medicaid 
  • 健康的选择 Generations 医疗保险 Advantage


胡玛纳: U of U Health is in-network for all facilities and physicians. This includes specialty and primary care services.


医疗保险: Health insurance for people 65 or older, you are eligible to sign up three months before you turn 65.


如果你有这些计划中的任何一个,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.

  • 莫利纳核心护理
  • 莫利纳持续关怀
  • 莫利纳 Confident Care
  • 莫利纳 医疗保险 Choice Care (HMO)
  • 莫利纳 医疗保险 Complete Care (HMO SNP)
  • 莫利纳医疗补助
  • 莫利纳芯片


如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.


如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services. 

  • Tricare西
  • 终身Tricare


如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services.

  • 美国医疗保健 Options PPO
  • 学生资源
  • United Health 医疗保险 Advantage
  • OptumCare 医疗保险 Advantage
  • AARP 医疗保险 Advantage

University of Utah Health Plan

如果你有这些计划之一,U of U Health是所有设施和医生的网络. This includes specialty and primary care services. 



Understanding Your Health 保险 Card

根据您的保险类型,您会定期收到更新的健康保险卡. This card has important information that will:

  • help your health care providers bill your insurance,
  • charge you the right copay, and
  • make sure your health insurance information is up to date.

Learn more about how to read your insurance card.

保险 Provider Not Listed

My 保险 Provider Is Not on This List. Does That Mean You Do Not Accept My 保险?

不一定. This list is not all-inclusive and is subject to change. To check your in-network status with University of Utah Health, contact your insurance company to determine your plan benefits.

Coordination of Benefits: More Than One 保险 Coverage

作为一名患者,了解你的保险计划是如何在你被多个保险覆盖时协同工作的是很重要的. 确定哪一种保险首先要收费(主要)的过程称为利益协调(COB)。. 了解COB流程和规则有助于确保您的索赔得到及时和适当的支付.  

患者有责任将可能影响COB的任何保险变更通知他们的保险公司. If you do not provide these changes to your insurance, 在您更新您的COB信息之前,保险支付可能会被拒绝.  

Common Coordination of Benefits Circumstances


One Person Has Two Health 保险 Plans

If you have two health insurance plans, 以患者为订户(承保人)的医疗保险是主要付款人. 二级支付者是将患者作为受抚养人纳入保险范围的医疗保险计划, meaning you are covered under another plan as the spouse, 孩子, 或其他依赖.

If the patient is a 孩子 and carries two health insurance plans, then the birthday rule will be applied. 生日规则规定,最先过生日的父母将是最先支付保险费用的父母.


Health 保险 and Auto 保险

如果你发生了车祸,你的汽车保险就是主要保险. The patient’s health insurance is secondary. 

If you are involved in an auto accident as a passenger, 行人, 或骑自行车, 司机的汽车保险是主要的,病人的健康保险是次要的.


Workers Compensation Fund

If you are involved in an accident while on the job, workers compensation insurance is typically the primary payer; however, if the claim is denied, we will bill your health insurance.

Government 保险 Processes


  • 如果你是通过你自己目前的工作或你的家庭成员目前的工作获得保险, 医疗保险将是第二支付者(取决于雇主规模).
  • If you have end stage renal disease (ESRD) and qualify for 医疗保险.大发娱乐的工作人员将通过使用医疗保险问卷来大发娱乐您确定您的福利顺序
  • 医疗保险 supplemental plans will be billed secondary to 医疗保险.

医疗保险 will not be billed:

  • 当责任保险(如汽车、家庭等)负责付款时.
  • Veterans Affairs has authorized payment for services.
  • When a patient is being seen for a work-related accident.
  • If you are enrolled in a 医疗保险 Advantage Plan.

Medicaid plans are typically the coverage of last resort. We will bill any available insurance before Medicaid. 

What If I Do Not Have 保险 or My 保险 Is Not Accepted


如果你没有保险,你可以为诊所就诊支付高达150美元的押金. This is subject to change depending on the service. We will then bill you for the remaining amount.

In you are having a scheduled service/procedure, 比如手术, 测试, 或成像, you pay the total estimated charges before the time of service.

If you are unable to pay the full estimated charges, 您必须在收到服务之前或服务期间存入费用的一半.

如果您对估计费用有疑问或无法满足这些要求,请致电801-581-2957与大发娱乐的患者财务倡导者联系. You may also estimate your cost by using our easy to use 评估工具.


In cases of emergency, go to the nearest emergency room. 你的保险可能会支付急诊室的费用,或者一旦你的病情稳定,将把你转移到网络内的医院.

对于其他服务,您可能需要在账单上支付较大的自掏腰包部分. To be sure, contact your insurance company directly to discuss.

Check Your Medicaid Eligibility

See if You Are Eligible

Check My Medicaid Eligibility

Medicaid Eligibility Español


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呼叫 a financial advocate at 801-581-2957


In accordance with the CMS 2019 IPPS final rule, 犹他大学健康已经公布了其标准收费和协商费率清单.



Need assistance in reviewing your hospital bill? 呼叫 us at 801-587-6303 or 800-862-4937.