
Birth Control Options that Do Not Involve Hormones

有许多不同种类的 生育控制 还有更多的因素会影响你或你的伴侣选择最好的避孕方法. 它们的范围从依赖黄体酮或雌激素和黄体酮的组合到有效, 无激素的方法, 应急方法, 永久性的方法 输卵管结扎手术输精管结扎术. In this blog, we will discuss contraceptives that do not involve hormone use.

Misha Pangasa,医学博士他是计划生育方面的专家 Division of Obstetrics 和 Gynecology 犹他健康大学的研究员, 说, “最有效的避孕措施是人们经常使用感到舒适的避孕措施.”

Pangasa解释说,人们经常从失败率最低和最高的角度来讨论避孕方法. “But the methods that have the lowest failure rates, like those containing progestin or a combination of estrogen 和 progestin,  可能并不适合所有人, 和 if somebody doesn't feel comfortable using them, 或者有其他原因, it’s not going to be as effective for them,她解释道.

Some of the factors that might be considered are cost, whether the 生育控制 method can be easily stopped if desired, 人生阶段, 以及避孕措施. 大发娱乐讨论的一些统计方法的有效性较低,因为它们经常使用不一致或不正确, 但如果使用正确和持续可以可靠的方法来防止怀孕.




方法: 铜宫内节育器是由柔性塑料制成的,形状像一个T,周围包裹着铜. 铜对精子是有毒的,会阻止精子与卵子受精. 的re is only one copper IUD sold in the U.S. 品牌名称为ParaGuard®.

优点: 的 copper IUD can last up to 12 years, 非常有效, 和 can be easily removed by a doctor. 的 美国国立卫生研究院, reports the failure rate of the copper IUD is 1.7 pregnancies out of 100 women after three years of use. 国家卫生研究院 suggests that the 10-year rate is comparable to 灭菌: 1.百分之九的怀孕率.

缺点: 的 copper IUD can cause cramps 和 heavier periods, especially in the first three to six months of use. 它不能防止性传播感染(STIs)或性传播疾病(STDs),如果想怀孕,必须由医生切除. Though removing an IUD is typically a quick, 简单办公程序, IUDs can rarely migrate or embed in the uterus, making them sometimes harder to remove. Though the risk of pregnancy with a copper IUD is low, a pregnancy conceived with an IUD in place has a higher risk of being ectopic, 或者子宫外, which can require medical or surgical treatment.


方法: 撤军 means the male partner removes his penis before ejaculation. 这种方法在每次性交时都必须使用,最好与另一种方法(如避孕套)一起使用. 根据梅奥诊所的说法, one in five couples using this method of 生育控制 will conceive within a year.

优点: 的re is no cost involved 和 no side effects.

缺点: 它依靠有阴茎的伴侣的自我控制来确保射精发生在远离阴道的地方. 正因为如此,再加上射精前存在精子,它的失败率更高. It also does not prevent against STIs.


这些方法阻止精子进入子宫,从而避免卵子受精. Some of these methods protect against STIs.


方法: 避孕套 are thin stretchy pouches that are made of latex, 非乳胶类塑料, or lambskin that are placed on the penis. If used 正确, condoms prevent sperm from entering the body. Lambskin condoms are often an option for those allergic to latex. Only water- or silicone-based lubricants can be used with latex condoms.

优点: Both latex 和 non-latex plastic condoms prevent the spread of STIs. 避孕套 are relatively inexpensive 和 easy to obtain. 如果使用得当, 每次你做爱的时候, the condom is 98 percent effective against pregnancy. 在实际操作中,由于使用不当、破损、事故等原因,其有效率为87%. You can use a spermicide with a condom to increase effectiveness.

缺点:  避孕套 must be used consistently 和 正确 每次你做爱的时候,也要依靠有阴茎的伴侣来使用它们. Lambskin condoms do NOT protect against STIs or STDs.


方法: 的re is currently only one FDA-approved 内部避孕套.  由腈制成 内部避孕套 is a pouch with rings on both ends—one open 和 one closed. Using a lubricant can prevent the condom from slipping.

优点: An 内部避孕套 protects both partners against STIs 和 STDs, including HIV. 它们对怀孕的有效性可以达到95%,但实际上是75%到82% 国家卫生研究院. 与避孕套不同,内部避孕套可以在性交前8小时使用. 在大多数药店可以不用处方买到,而且相对便宜. 的y can be used during menstruation, pregnancy, 和 after childbirth.

缺点: 内部避孕套失效的原因和避孕套一样:它们会滑倒或撕裂, 它们可能不会在每次性交时使用,也不会在阴茎插入阴道后放置.


方法: 隔膜是一个由硅胶制成的浅碟状杯子,插入阴道内,覆盖宫颈. 它可以防止精子进入子宫颈,但如果在隔膜内和杀精剂一起使用,并在隔膜边缘涂抹,效果最好. 膜片必须在性交前两小时内正确插入,否则杀精剂将不起作用. 然后必须在性交后至少6小时放置,但不超过24小时. 的 diaphragm is 94 percent effective if used every time during intercourse; in reality, 有效率为87%.

优点: 的 diaphragm is small 和 easy to carry. It can last up to two years with proper care. It does not affect the menstrual cycle.

缺点: It takes practice to be able to insert 和 remove the diaphragm correctly. It must be washed 和 air dried after use, 检查有没有漏洞, 裂缝, 皱纹, 或者其他磨损的迹象. 的 diaphragm does not protect against STIs or STDs.


方法: 类似于隔膜 子宫帽 is inserted into the vagina 和 covers the cervix. 它必须与杀精剂一起使用,并在性交后放置几个小时. 它可以比横膈膜停留更长的时间——长达两天——应该与杀精剂一起使用. 对于那些从未有过孩子的人, the 子宫帽 is about 86 percent effective, 和 71 perfect effective for those that have given birth previously. You must use it 每次你做爱的时候 for it to be effective.

优点: 的 子宫帽 is small 和 easy to carry. It can be used for up to a year with proper care. It does not affect the menstrual cycle.

缺点: 的 子宫帽 must be placed before having intercourse 和 before being aroused.

Fertility Awareness Methods Can Be Useful in Avoiding or Encouraging Conception

Sometimes called “natural family planning” or the rhythm method, 生育意识方法(FAMs)包括跟踪排卵来确定你的生育日期. If you do not want to become pregnant, intercourse should be avoided during this time, 或者是避孕的备用方法, 比如避孕套, 应该使用. 通常使用fam, 太, 当你想确定你最肥沃的时间,想要怀孕.

使用FAMs一开始可能有点复杂,所以最好与了解自然计划生育的卫生保健大发娱乐提供者合作. FAMs包括带你的 每天的温度 in the morning before getting out of bed 和 charting that temperature over time. This is because 每天的温度 rises after ovulation.

另一个FAM包括 观察宫颈粘液 每一天. 当你准备排卵时,粘液的颜色、质地和数量都会发生变化. 第三个FAM是 日历法. Using this method, you must keep track of six of your menstrual cycles. 在确定你的最长和最短周期后,你可以确定你应该排卵的日子. 还有一种日历方法叫做标准日法,它取决于你的周期是28到32天.

这些方法最适合那些致力于日常工作的人,他们需要跟踪和绘制fam. Luckily, there are numerous apps to help you track 和 chart.


Permanent methods of 生育控制 are called 灭菌.  对于有子宫的人来说, this requires surgery under anesthesia to cut, 块, 领带, or remove the Fallopian tubes permanently. 这种手术可以与另一种手术一起进行,比如剖腹产后或顺产后. 的 procedure to 领带 off the tubes is called a 输卵管结扎手术, whereas removing the tubes is called a bilateral salpingectomy.  这些手术是永久性的,不可逆转的,只有在一个人100%确定自己将来不想怀孕的情况下才应该考虑.

People with penises can undergo a 灭菌 method called a 输精管结扎术——切断并密封输精管,输精管是连接睾丸并携带精子的管道. 的 surgery is outpa领带nt 和 recovery is fairly quick. Most men can return to having intercourse after a week, 尽管在手术后的几周内应该使用备用的避孕方法,直到随后的精液分析证实手术成功. Vasectomies are generally reversible.

Contraception as a Health Care Journey

Given the dizzying array of 生育控制 options available, the decision about which method to use can be difficult. 潘加萨表示,决定使用哪种避孕方法是“人们在整个生育期的连续或旅程”.她解释说,尽管卫生保健大发娱乐提供者可以是有益的指导和盟友, ultimately pa领带nts make decisions based on their values, 首选项, 和 health as well as where they are in their lives.