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生孩子可不是在公园里散步——不管你的宝宝是怎么出生的. There is a stigma around Cesarean deliveries, or c-sections, that incorrectly assumes they are “the easy way out,” but that is simply untrue. 剖腹产是一种主要的腹部手术,比顺产需要更长的恢复时间, 使用它们的原因各不相同,从医疗紧急情况到保护妈妈和宝宝安全的预防措施.

In a Cesarean delivery, 婴儿通过在母亲的腹部和子宫上切开的切口手术分娩. In the United States, around 31% of live births are via c-section.

When C-Sections Are Needed

大发娱乐安排剖腹产最常见的原因是,一位母亲在之前的一次怀孕中做过剖腹产,” says Susan Dalton, MD她是犹他健康大学的妇产科专家. “但在有些情况下,大发娱乐也会进行非紧急剖腹产,因为大发娱乐觉得阴道分娩比剖腹产更不安全.”


在一些情况下,你的医生可能会决定为了你或你的宝宝的安全,必须立即剖腹产, including:

  • Fetal distress: If your baby has a low or unusual heart rate, 这可能意味着他们处于困境,需要立即被送到.
  • Maternal hemorrhage: 大量出血会导致产妇血压下降,威胁到母亲的生命.
  • Placenta or umbilical cord issues: Placenta abruption, 当胎盘与子宫壁分离时会发生什么, or a prolapsed umbilical cord, 当脐带在宝宝之前从你的子宫颈出来时会发生什么, are serious complications that need immediate care.
  • Uterine rupture: This occurs when the uterine wall tears open. It can be life-threatening for both you and the baby.

Unplanned Non-Emergencies

Sometimes, 一个怀孕的病人可能有一个计划外的剖腹产,这仍然是紧急的,但不是危及生命的紧急情况. These include:

  • Prolonged labor: 产程超过24至48小时且几乎没有进展可导致胎儿和母亲窘迫. Nearly a third of c-sections are due to failure to progress.
  • Weak contractions: If your contractions aren’t strong enough, 你可能会服用像催产素这样的药物来加强它们. 如果产程数小时后仍无进展, a c-section will likely be presented as an option.

Planned C-Sections

对于一些病人来说,剖腹产在医学上是必要的,并且可以提前计划, including:

  • Baby is in breech position: 婴儿通常在怀孕37周之前进入头朝下的姿势, 但有时分娩开始时,她们仍处于臀位. This means they’re positioned bottom- or feet-first. 剖腹产是分娩臀位婴儿最安全的方式,可以避免阴道分娩的并发症, such as the baby getting stuck in the birth canal.
  • You are pregnant with multiples: 如果你怀的是双胞胎、三胞胎或更多,剖腹产的可能性更大. Two or more babies is always considered high-risk, and about 50%  of twin pregnancies are delivered via c-section.
  • Placenta previa: 如果你的胎盘盖住了子宫颈口,总是建议剖腹产.
  • Maternal medical issues: Active infections in the mother, such as herpes or HIV, could be transmitted to the baby during a vaginal birth.
  • Previous c-sections: While a vaginal birth after a c-section (VBAC) is possible, sometimes it is not recommended. 如果你之前剖腹产的子宫切口是垂直的或t形的, attempting a VBAC puts you at risk for uterine rupture, which is an emergency.

大发娱乐将与患者就尝试成功的VBAC进行彻底的讨论,” Dalton says. “但重要的是,在分娩时要有现实的预期, 因为以前剖腹产会增加阴道分娩的风险.”

Recovery After Your C-Section

Remember, a c-section is a major abdominal surgery, and you can expect to need a longer time to recover, both physically and mentally.

“我会告诉剖腹产后的病人,在产后第四周左右,感觉就会恢复正常,” Dalton says. “手术的第一周通常是最不舒服的, and patients may be nervous to move around a bit. 但从长远来看,运动你的身体实际上会促进更有效的愈合和疼痛缓解.”

把一个婴儿带到这个世界上不是一件小事,不管怎么做. 虽然你可能觉得你需要把所有的注意力都集中在照顾你的新生儿上, 剖腹产后照顾好自己也很重要.


  • Rest: Resting with a newborn may seem like an impossible task, 但对身体的恢复来说,尽可能地休息是很重要的. 产后最初几周,避免举起比宝宝重的东西. 如果你有朋友或家人可以帮你做家务, or holding the baby while you nap, let them.
  • Pain management: 切口部位的疼痛很常见,可以通过医生开的药物或布洛芬或对乙酰氨基酚等非处方止痛药来控制.
  • Incision care: 在你离开医院之前,你可能会从你的医疗团队那里得到关于如何护理你的切口的指导. Be sure to look for signs of infection, such as leaking fluid, swelling, changes in color, or developing a fever.
  • Emotional Support: 产后生活和试图从剖腹产中恢复可能是情感上的挑战. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or have symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety, reach out for help from loved ones and health care professionals.

“如果你有绝望或抑郁的想法,或者在分娩过程中感到后悔或失望, talking with a therapist early on is definitely better,” Dalton says. “You don’t have to wait any amount of time to ask for help.”