
高质量扭伤治疗 & 护理

你的身体几乎有1个,000条韧带——坚韧的短带, 灵活的, 大发娱乐固定骨骼的纤维组织. A 扭伤 is an injury in which the ligament becomes str等hed, partially torn, or completely torn. Ligament 扭伤s are common, especially in the ankle and 膝盖. 但你身体的任何地方都可能扭伤韧带, 包括你的手腕, 肘, 肩膀, 脖子, 和背部.  


U of U Health provides exceptional care for people with all types of orthopedic injuries, 包括韧带扭伤. 大发娱乐的专家团队包括骨科医生, 物理治疗医师, 家庭医生, 内科医生, physical therapists who develop personalized treatment plans that promote healing as quickly as possible.

您可以依靠U of U Health:

  • 容易接触骨科医生. 大发娱乐的专业护理集中在 大学骨科中心, and we also have specialists at our health centers in 法明顿马森红木约旦南部糖的房子. All of our practices are fully staffed by a team of specialists and equipped with imaging services.
  • 获得尖端治疗, 新技术和临床研究.
  • 不同程度的护理, which include emergency and 急救中心s, specialty outpatient clinics, surgery centers.
  • 专业护理. Each of our orthopedic specialists has advanced training and experience treating specific areas of the body, 比如脚和脚踝, 膝盖, 肩膀, 等. 


Doctors describe ligament 扭伤s using the terms grade 1, grade 2, grade 3. 

  • 一级扭伤 是最不严肃的. They involve a str等hed (not torn) ligament and usually go away within one to two weeks using at-home treatment.
  • 二级扭伤 involve a severe str等h and partial tear to the ligament. The healing process takes a bit longer (one or more months).
  • 三级扭伤 involve a fully torn ligament that creates instability in the 联合, 也被称为韧带断裂.

应变和. 扭伤

扭伤和拉伤是不同的. A 扭伤 affects ligaments, which connect bones to other bones, a 应变 affects muscles and tendons (the 灵活的, fibrous tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone).


Ligament 扭伤 symptoms vary depending on the injury’s severity (or grade). The more severe a 扭伤 is, the worse the symptoms—including your pain level—will be.

  • 1级扭伤症状包括疼痛和肿胀.
  • Grade 2 扭伤 symptoms include pain, swelling, possibly bruising (if the ligament is torn).
  • Grade 3 扭伤 symptoms include pain, bruising, swelling. 这些扭伤通常使关节不稳定.


韧带扭伤是由韧带外伤引起的. Common causes include a sports injury, car crash, or simply stepping off a curb awkwardly.


到医院就医 急诊科 if:

  • 你很疼或者 
  • 关节似乎脱臼了.

到医院就医 急救中心 或者大发娱乐的 骨科损伤诊所 if:

  • 你无法通过家庭护理来控制你的疼痛程度. 
  • your symptoms remain the same or worsen after 24-48 hours, even with at-home care.
  • the 联合 feels unstable or “gives out” when you use it. 
  • the injury affects your ability to do your usual activities, even with RICE and pain medication.

If your need is not urgent, consider making an appointment with an orthopedic specialist at 大学骨科中心 in Salt Lake City 或者大发娱乐的 neighborhood health centers in 法明顿, 马森, 红木, 约旦南部, 或糖屋.



You can manage a minor 扭伤 with treatment at home. For the first 24-48 hours after the injury, doctors recommend the RICE method.

  • Rest — Take it easy and avoid putting weight on the injured area.
  • Ice — Apply an ice pack to the injured area for 15-20 minutes every two to three hours.
  • Compression — Wrap the injured area with a medical bandage (like an ACE bandage). 确保它舒适但不要太紧.
  • Elevation — Raise the injured area above the level of your heart whenever possible.

Over-the-counter pain medication such as ibuprofen (Advil, 布洛芬和扑热息痛(泰诺)也有大发娱乐. 一定要按照标签上的指示服用.


Your provider may recommend treatment options such as: 

  • a splint, sling, or brace to stabilize the 联合 for a short period of time;
  • 物理治疗 to strengthen the muscles around the injured ligament, 可以稳定关节,促进愈合;  
  • 修复撕裂韧带的手术; 
  • 止痛药物的注射; 
  • a natural substance called plasma to stimulate healing; or 
  • ultrasound therapy, which may improve soft tissue healing. 


Healing time for a ligament 扭伤 varies depending on:

  • 哪个关节受伤了?
  • 受伤的严重程度,以及
  • 你的年龄,整体健康状况和活动水平.

在一般情况下, grade 1 扭伤s take a few weeks to heal; grade 2 扭伤s take one or more months; and grade 3 扭伤s take two to three months (longer if surgery is needed).




如果你做运动, 是40多岁还是50多岁, or have family and friends who are physically active, 你可能听说过“骨科”这个词.“但你知道骨科医生真正做的是什么吗?? And how do you know if you could benefit from seeing one?



At our 骨科损伤诊所, you can get an appointment the day you call. 来这家诊所治疗骨折, 混乱, 或者其他骨头的疼痛, 关节, 或者肌肉不会消失.



每个人都有身体. 为了照顾好它,你需要保持活跃. But no matter how careful you are, at some point or another, you may injure yourself. 你应该马上去看医生吗? Or is it better to take it easy and wait for the injury to heal on its own?

阅读症状 & 伤病名单


Physical therapy helps you improve your function, range of motion, overall quality of life. It can help speed up healing from an injury, reduce pain, prevent injury. 对一些人来说, 物理治疗 can significantly delay the need for surgery or help avoid it altogether.

