
What to Know About Preventive Care

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Most people think of scheduling an appointment to see a doctor when they are sick, 但并不是每个人都意识到看初级保健大发娱乐提供者(PCP)进行预防性护理的重要性,即使你感觉很健康.

初级保健大发娱乐提供者 可能是:

  • a physician (MD or DO), or
  • 高级执业临床医生(APC),是医师助理(PA)或执业护士(NP).

Preventive care is important for all patients to maintain better health, usually begins 与 an annual check-up. During this visit your 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 will:

  • get to know you, learn about your health and family history;
  • screen for current diseases;
  • discuss medications and supplements you take;
  • check for future disease risks;
  • 根据您的年龄、性别、家族史和危险因素讨论推荐的筛查;
  • update your vaccinations and 免疫接种;
  • discuss healthy lifestyle and challenges, such as diet and exercise; and
  • get a baseline for your health to improve care in the future.


定期去看你的初级保健医生可以为你的健康建立一个基线,这样你就可以发现你的健康或身体可能不正常的变化. Schedule an appointment right away if you experience any of the following:

  • A lump you can feel anywhere in your body
  • A cough or fever that does not go away
  • Unusual aches or pains that do not go away
  • Changes in your skin or sores that don’t heal
  • Losing weight 与out trying
  • Changes in your stool or blood in your stool


Managing Chronic Disease 与 Your 初级护理 Providers

定期去看医生或APC最重要的原因之一是为了大发娱乐避免或控制慢性健康状况, 包括:

您的初级保健医生或APC可以确定您是否有患这些或其他疾病的风险. If you already have one or more of these conditions, your doctor will help you manage them for better health.

If you are receiving treatment from one or more specialists, 你的初级保健大发娱乐提供者可以大发娱乐你制定一个平衡所有考虑因素的护理计划,大发娱乐你实现你的健康目标. 你的医生或APC也可以讨论生活方式的改变,这将减少你患慢性病的机会或大发娱乐控制现有的疾病, such as diet and exercise.

你的初级保健医生会检查你的药物,并协调你正在服用的药物,以避免不必要的副作用或危险的药物相互作用. This is especially important if you are seeing one or more specialists, 因为其他医生可能不知道你正在服用的所有药物. 你的PCP会检查你所有的药物,如果有必要,会和专家一起改变或修改药物类型, 频率, or dosage of medications to keep you safe and healthy.

研究表明,患有一种或多种慢性疾病的患者没有去初级保健大发娱乐提供者那里进行定期检查 去急诊室吧 或者更常去医院. Seeing a doctor or APC for preventive care and check-ups can also save you money, 因为保持健康和控制疾病比去急诊室或医院治疗慢性疾病并发症要便宜得多.


并不是每个人都知道初级保健医生接受过培训和教育 mental health conditions like depression and anxiety. 在你的年度体检中, 你的医生可能会要求你填写关于你是否正在经历抑郁和焦虑的信息. 如果你是,他或她可以大发娱乐你通过药物和其他治疗来控制这些状况.

对于那些心理健康需求超出初级保健医生所能治疗范围的患者, 他们可以把你介绍给精神科医生或咨询师,协调你的心理健康和身体健康.

Preventive Care for Women

女性应该安排每年一次的初级保健大发娱乐提供者(一个专门从事疾病的家庭医生)的检查 妇女的健康 或妇产科医生). 在这些访问中, 你可以讨论健康问题,并获得建议女性每年进行的检查, 包括:

  • 心脏健康: Your doctor will order tests for lipids, 低密度脂蛋白和高密度脂蛋白胆固醇, 甘油三酸酯, 血糖, 还有血压.
  • 乳房健康: Women should have regular breast exams and 乳房x光检查. Check 与 your 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 for current screening guidelines, especially if you have family history of breast cancer or other risk factors.
  • 皮肤健康: 每年一次的皮肤检查和从头到脚的检查可以大发娱乐你的医生留意新的或正在变化的痣.
  • 颈椎健康: 巴氏涂片检查 应该定期做. 向你的医生咨询更多信息,了解你应该多久做一次这项检查.
  • 骨骼健康: This includes screening for bone density and 骨质疏松症 与 用扫描仪.
  • 结肠镜检查: 女人应该有一个 结肠镜检查 从50岁开始,每10年一次(如果你有糖尿病家族史,医生可能会建议你更早开始筛查,或者更频繁地进行结肠镜检查) 结肠癌 或其他风险因素).

如果你找不到时间做检查,犹他大学健康中心每月大发娱乐提供一次 5 .生活 events that include a healthy breakfast, 按摩椅, 营养教育, all of the appropriate tests and screenings above (except colonoscopies, which must be scheduled separately), 这一切只需要两个小时. 这些活动在大发娱乐沿着瓦萨奇前线的诊所地点举行,使每位女性都能轻松地获得年度筛查.



一些筛查只推荐给特定年龄段的男性或具有特定风险因素的男性, so talk to your primary care doctor about which ones are appropriate for you.

Preventive Care for Children

Preventive care is also important for children, especially if your child is managing a condition like ADHD, 肥胖, 或糖尿病. 即使没有这些症状的儿童也应该每年看一次医生,因为:


Preventive Care for Elderly Adults

As you age, you are at higher risk of developing chronic health conditions. 老年人的预防性保健通常包括上面列出的针对男性或女性的适当筛查, as well as screenings for: 


In addition to seeing your primary care doctor regularly for check-ups, there are everyday steps you can take to maintain your health:

  • 定期锻炼 – Most healthy adults should exercise for 30 minutes at least 5 days a week. 和你的医生谈谈,让他建议你做多少运动和什么样的运动最适合你.
  • 健康饮食 多吃蔬菜、水果、瘦肉蛋白、全谷物和低脂或脱脂乳制品. Reduce or eliminate high-fat foods, processed foods, red meat in your diet.
  • Maintain a healthy weight -和你的医生谈谈健康的体重对你来说是什么,如果有必要的话,让医生大发娱乐你减肥.
  • Don’t smoke or use tobacco – If you need help quitting, talk to your doctor.
  • Drink alcohol only in moderation (or not at all) 适度通常被定义为女性每天一杯,男性每天两杯.
  • Avoid using illegal drugs.

安排预约 for Your Annual Check-Up

If you haven’t been in to see your doctor or APC for an annual check-up, 今天就预约这些重要的预防性保健检查. If you don’t have a 初级保健大发娱乐提供者, we are always accepting new patients. 你可以 大发娱乐 请访问大发娱乐的网站或立即致电大发娱乐您寻找合适的医生来满足您的健康需求.


病人 and 初级护理 Providers: A Partnership For Life

"Primary care is the heart of medicine,温迪·梅西说, PA-C, a family medicine 初级保健大发娱乐提供者 (PCP). “It’s the bedrock of where health care comes from. Amenthist Gibbs是梅西医院近十年的病人,她描述了自己与温迪·梅西的合作关系.

阅读《大发娱乐》 & 温迪的伙伴关系

Wendy Macey, AP-C, patient Amenthist Gibbs

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